Life, Career Rachel Simone Life, Career Rachel Simone

Letter to Your Future Self

Have you ever written a letter to yourself? If not, maybe you should give it a try! Here’s mine as an example below.

Last fall I was part of a leadership circle that required we write a letter to my future self. We had to describe how we wanted to evolve over the program. It was focused on professional growth, but I find it hard to separate personal and professional growth, so I combined the two.

For the first time I’m publicly sharing my letter because it was an exercise that helped me frame who I want to be and how I want to show up in the world. I liked the exercise so much I wrote another letter to myself in January that I plan to open in December.

Have you ever written a letter to yourself? If not, maybe you should give it a try! Here’s mine as an example below.



2023 - The year of new beginnings, healing, and growth. The year of fresh starts, exceeded expectations, and continued disappointments. Thankful for all of it. Here for all of it. The highest levels of joy can’t be fully experienced and appreciated without being able to fully experience the lowest of lows. Life is meant to be lived - don’t be afraid when living leads to unexpected outcomes. 

On the road to achieving our goals we often forget to assess the cost of achieving the goal. What will the goal take you toward AND what will it take you away from? What will you have to give up? Is it worth it? Is there another way to achieve the goal or should you create a new one all together?

Every achievement costs you something.

Make sure you’re choosing things where the cost is worth it. 

Make the cost count. 

My hope for you:

  • Keep work in its proper place. 

    • When someone asks what work project or problem is keeping you up at night let them know the answer - none of them. It wouldn’t be worth it. Let your family and friends keep you up, but not work. 

  • Don’t discard the journey. 

    • You have a strong vision of where you want to go and what you want to achieve. The problem is getting there. The path is unwritten, new, and unknown. Don’t get discouraged trying to figure out the entire journey. Rest in today, knowing every step you take is moving you toward your dreams of a brighter future. Nothing is wasted. The end point isn’t what matters, it is the beauty in simple everyday moments. Don’t forget that. 

  • Boundaries are your friend - especially at work. 

    • If someone judges you for prioritizing your health and life that’s a personal problem for them. Keep staying true to your values, dreams, priorities, and goals. No one can take them away. 

  • Keep making your “what love feels like lists” - they make you smile. 

    • This week love has felt like long periods of silence, group chats with friends, getting a new idea for a project and a tearful Zoom call with a stranger/new friend. Always look for and find love in what you’re doing. It will keep you going. 

  • Keep pushing toward more inclusive and equitable workplaces even though it is exhausting and frustrating. The work is worth the worry. 

    • Ask people: Who will this policy, process, or framework exclude? Will it make work harder for anyone? Who may we be leaving out? Is there an easier way to do this? Who will be responsible for doing the extra work? Is it worth it? Always remind people that you must consciously include people; otherwise, you will unconsciously exclude them. 

As always, stay true to your values. You are the woman you dreamed of being when you were a little girl, and you are just getting started. There’s so much more adventure, joy, and love in your future! Can you believe it? Will you have room to receive all of it?

You haven’t scratched the surface of your potential. Keep surrounding yourself with people who are kind, who challenge you, who are not afraid to be honest, who support you, who you see the best in and who see the best in you. It’s worth it. And it can be difficult at times. That’s what life is for - fully living. Choose experiences that bring you closer to the woman you want to be and the path God created for you. 

My goal: In 16 weeks I hope I am better at bringing fun, light, joy, and love to workplaces, because they desperately need more JOY! I do too.


picture of 5 people on a mountain jumping for joy
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