Update: 2024 Word of the Year


My 2024 word of the year is create. I want to create space to capture more joy and (literally) use my creativity by creating things - art projects, plans, and writing.

My original plan:

Instead of creating a big plan for the year I decided to do a quick monthly focus at the beginning of the month and a check-in at the end of the month.

My current plan:

Keep it SIMPLE. Focus on ways to create each month.




planned a hippie themed party for friend

art class - painted a coffee mug

closet updated - created a new organization system for my closet


creating adventures - first trip to the Quick Lotz bin store ($3 leggins for the win!) + day trip adventure with my mom and grandpa + attended state basketball tournament for the nephews


plant coffee shop - first time exploring a plant store/coffee shop combo (yes, it is as wonderful as it sounds)

creating adventures - attended my first supper club


natural wonders - watched the eclipse

5k - ran my annual 5k (I started running a 5k every other year in 2013 and I switched to every year starting in 2019)

creativity - recorded new podcast episodes + wrote a lot

creating adventures - used a massage gift card from a friend (thank you!) + took my nephew on his first college visit

Painted this coffee mug at my art class in January.


Letter to Your Future Self


2024 Word of the Year